الثلاثاء، ٣٠ يناير ٢٠٠٧

Chapter 3 assigment

  1. Yes
  2. You can read it on one page
  3. Has not been copied or mirrored
  4. Cat training article
    1. http://www.goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=386925
    2. http://cats-n-kittens-cute.blogspot.com/2006/12/pet-lovers-how-to-crate-train-your-cat.html
5. Yes. Blogs
6. It is much higher than we had anticipated. On a professional level, there is a high respect for intellectual property. This respect is significantly lower on personal web-space.

-Daniel, Chris, John

1/30 Exercise

Exercise 3.1 - Text and Intellectual Property

1. http://edition.cnn.com/2007/SHOWBIZ/Music/01/30/grammys.police.reut/
1. yes
2. all on one page, shorter article
3. did not find the exact text copied word for word, but many articles had the same heading "Last month the band's label A&M Records, which is owned by Universal Music, said in a statement that they would mark the year somehow."

2. http://www.macrumors.com
1. no print friendly version
2. each news article is fully contained in its own box and you scroll to read multiple news stories
3. did not find the exact text copied anywhere "Apple has released the promised 802.11n Enabler for compatible Macs"

3. http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/dn/education/stories/012907dntswdropouts.7650b4.html
1. yes
2. all on one page, medium length article
3. found the exact text on multiple pages, the article was written by AP and they say at the bottom "Information from San Antonio Express-News" example: http://www.texasnationalpress.com/texlog/article.php?story=20070128115209898&mode=print

4. http://www.starpulse.com/news/
1. no
2. there's a "read more" link where the entire article is displayed, but its still a short article
3. did not find the exact text copied anywhere

Mary Ann & Anna

الأحد، ٢٨ يناير ٢٠٠٧

Tuesday class

I know Janet mention that we'll have a group meeting in class to go over our home page layout but I'm not quiet clear about picking a site and discuss what we like and don't like about it? Isn't that part of 5 pages research?

الثلاثاء، ٢٣ يناير ٢٠٠٧

pre-Web proposal

The type of website that I'll be working on will be about photography, more specific for serious upcoming photographers, general non-serious photographers still can check out the site since it'll include several information or topic that might interest them. I've done some research of other similar sites only to find there aren't many. In similar to other sites, this site will include wide range of information on professional cameras and related products along with customers reviews/rating, as well as on-line video courses and course offer in all local communities. There will be users interactive through blogs and forums, galleries where they can show-off their best work. There will be past history on photography, well known/notable photographers.

What this site has to offer that other related sites didn't will be on-line chat with photography expert/instruct0rs voluntary to go on-line and answer any questions that upcoming and newbie photographers have, and there will be voting for photo of the month and winner will receive gift card to any photography stores of their choice.

They would prefer this site over others because this site will have more information and the pros/cons on BOTH tradition film and digital camera, which most other sites only include one or other. There'll be wide range of on-line videos of different topics such as darkroom printing process and how to shoot pictures like pro, etc.

It may start off slow but once users find out about lot of free information, free basic on-line training video, and be able to interact with expert/instructors on-line, and so on, traffic to this site will most likely increase. There'll be several volunteers helping out with keeping site up to date, each will take turn and have own responsibilities.

Website Purpose Analysis-In the life of a college student w./out cable

In the life of a college student w./out cable : my opinion on hit tv shows on regular broadcasting networks:

1.) How many other sites can you find resemble yours or serve the same function?
Actually, I noticed when searching for college students without cable, there was nothing really specifically the same. There are however informational sites, but not entertainment sites. But I do know there are sites about tv and blogs out there.

2.) What will your site do that is similar to other related sites? It gives my opinion (like a lot of blogs do) of television shows.

3.) What will your site provide or do that is different from other related sites? It is more personal, from a college student's perspective about my opinions of big shows I like (and shows that I am able to survive without cable).

4.) Why will people prefer your site over those already uploaded to the World Wide Web? Because college students (and even non-college students) will be able to identify with shows on tv. A lot of us enjoy tv and most do have regular tv stations.

5.) Why will you want to keep maintaining your site for atleast two years? Because tv shows constantly change and my perspectives of shows might change. It is important I update them with my opinion of shows that are currently being broadcast.

6.) Who might want to be involved in helping run and maintain your site? Why? for how long? I think someone who also enjoys tv and understands as a college student what it is like not having such things as cable-so someone else that can relate and share their viewpoints. Because it is important to share views, because everyone thinks differently. If I did have someone help, I am not sure for how long-I guess however long they wanted to. The longer is always better for everyone, because multiple people can help keep it updated.

7.) How many people do you expect to be "hitting" your site regularly? Mostly college students and really anyone who enjoys reading about tv shows.

8.) Why will they visit your pages? Because they want to know what a college student thinks of the big shows out there.

9.) What will keep them coming back? They will want to receive more scope of the variety of interesting shows out there on the big regular networks like fox, nbc, abc, cbs, cw, etc.

Website Purpose Analysis - A Spurs Fan Stuck In Dallas

1. How many other sites can you find that resemble yours or serve the same purpose?
While there are many fan sites about the Spurs, I can't seem to find any with the "stuck in Dallas" aspect. Lucky them.

2. What will your site do that is similar to other related sites?
Provide scores, commentary of the game, some player info, and the occasional trade rumor.

3. What will your site provide or do that is different to other related sites?
The whole focus on being a Spurs fan in Dallas is really different. I'll be able to give a completely different point of view than most fans who are located in SA and are able to watch the games whenever they're on and get Spurs news 24/7, which is practically impossible here in Mavs City. I'll also focus on how I cope with living in the rival city and having to see or hear something about the Mavs all the time, especially since their famous choke in the finals last year.

4. Why will people prefer your site over those already uploaded to the WWW?
My humorous look at life in Dallas as a Spurs fan should offer something different to readers and hopefully spark an interest in wanting to come back to read my commentary, especially as the finals get nearer and the rivalry heats up.

5. Why will you want to keep maintaining your site for at least two years?
The NBA won't end anytime soon and as long as the Spurs are team I'll love them. Now if I move from Dallas that will completely kill my idea, but that can be handled if the situation arises.

6. Who might want to be involved in helping run and maintain your site?
Other Spurs fans who feel the pain of being here in Dallas and dealing with the Mavs and Mavs fans. We have to group together! :)

7. How many people do you expect to be hitting your site regularly?
Truthfully not that many, this is a personal site and the web is a pretty busy place. Probably just my friends and family and fellow students in this class.

8. Why will they visit your page?
This question is pretty redundant but I'll answer anyways. I have a unique concept for a website and it installs some humor into sports and a different POV than what's online now. Spurs fans will be able to understand my pain, and Dallas fans will probably mock me. It's fun for all.

9. What will keep them coming back?
As long as there's a Spurs/Mavs rivalry I'll be writing about it and people will want to read it.

note: no offense to any Mavs fans on this blog ;)

Website Purpose Analysis - TV Top 5

1. How many site are like mine?
5 good one, the rest is mostly useless crap

2. What does my site have in common with these sites?
My site will also show listings of TV shows, and TV news

3. How will my site differ?
My site will only have TV listings for my top 5 things to watch each week
Also, my site will intentionally exclude any TV that I consider crap (i.e. American Idol /Deal or no Deal)

4. Why will people prefer my site?
Once again, it will exclude any TV that I consider crap

5. Why will I keep maintaining my site?
Because TV news changes daily, and my top 5 will change weekly

6. Who do I need help from to run my site?
No one

7. How many people will hit my site regularly?
I expect the number to start out slow, but to ramp up quickly once people realize that my TV selection is far superior to theirs.

8. Why will they visit my page?
So they don't watch only the best TV and filter out the useless garbage.

9. Why will they keep coming back?
They will come back every week so they know to double check their DVR to make sure every show I choose is never missed.

Website pitch - Chris Bell

My website will focus primarily on virtual environments, mostly games, in order to keep me near the interests of my major and the activities of my free time. I will look at various types of virtual environment programs and assess them on various and possibly pretentious levels, from the perspective of both consumer and developer. In addition to that, I will provide small tutorials on how to do nifty little tricks in various programs that I frequent.

Of course, there are many sites with just this purpose in mind and attempting to compete with them right out of the gate would certainly be an exercise in futility; as such, the primary goal of my site will be to share my interests and knowledge with my friends. If there is any usurping of major media corporations to be had, it'll have to wait until later.

The design of the website will be straightforward and simple; minimalist, even. In my estimation it would be just the absense of advertisements that litter other such sites which would hold the interest of readers, and in no capacity do I feel inclined to try and sell adspace anyway. I don't expect the site will be a veritable tsunami of activity, but a few hits a week are expected, and the most likely reason for those visits will be referals directly from me for whatever purpose.

This site will be something of a personal project outside the scope of the class, and as such I will try and keep it running for as long as it holds my interest. I view this as a pristine oppurtunity to improve my writing skills, my web design skills, and my graphic arts skills. This is something i've wanted to do for awhile and simply had no excuse to go through with. If anybody would be involved in helping along with this process, I would expect it would be fellow developers of various background who were friends of mine.

Audience Analysis

The primary age of my expected audience is to be from 18 to around 30; essentially, the cross-section of society in which interest for the subject matter on my site is greatest. I don't expect there to be much disparity between male and female visitors, but I would say that most of the visitors will likely be residents of the United States.

Ethnicity isn't an issue i'm concerned with designing for, nor is religion, and as such I don't have any expectations for what group will be most attracted to my website. For the most part, people who make small fortunes every year probably wouldn't be genuinely interested in what I have to say, so the mid-to-lower income bracket is probably the safest bet.

My website will be structured primarily to appeal to the interests of people such as myself, who enjoy interactive entertainment both as a player and as a developer. Given the initial exposure the website will recieve, i'm sure at least one person will fit into that category. Hopefully, if people find my writings helpful, they will visit perhaps four times a month just to see what's going on.

There won't be much to speak of in the way of controversies, aside perhaps from poorly written garbage seeped in nebulous vocabulary, or maybe the excessive abuse of commas and the maiming of the english literary form. Then again, this is the internet, and you can get that almost anywhere.

On the interaction front, I hope to install some forums on the page as well as a comment system so people can berate me directly and anonymously if they disagree, or shower me with praise and cash if they believe my words are golden.

The lifespan of the site as a serious project will depend on both the strength of my personal interest in the project and the development of a community within it, aided by the forums and comment system. Additionally, the interactive entertainment industry is an ever-expanding field and i'm sure i'll have a great deal to write about for many years, should I feel so inclined.

الثلاثاء، ١٦ يناير ٢٠٠٧

"Enough About You" - A post about the hilarity of naming "You" PERSON OF THE YEAR

As most of you know, TIME magazine has named "You" as PERSON OF THE YEAR. Although, I realize that self expression on the internet, blogging, youtube, and all that is creating a new wave of citizen journalism, but that doesn't merit naming "you" as the person of the year. What about all the other people who have given us so much to talk about this year, 2006 has been filled with excitement. How about naming George W. Bush, Dick Chaney, Senator Rumsfeld, or Sacha Baron Cohen person of the year. Yes, I do find all these to be rediculous suggestion for the person of the year, but not quite as rediculous as "YOU."

Group 4 - The exciting world of writing for the web!

This is the blog for group four. Yay!

Among the members of this riveting group of Arts and Technology majors are Chris Bell, Anna Owens, John Moorhead, Daniel Lipschitz, and Mary Ann Arias. We're here to discuss and scrutinize the vastly entertaining subjects of proper internet grammar.

We'll speak our minds when we feel like it!