الخميس، ٨ فبراير ٢٠٠٧

Metaphorical Web Pages

1. www.serenitymovies.com

Conceptually this web site is very easy to navigate, but it isn't very intuitive. For most of the buttons, you are required to roll over them to find their purpose. Also, if you are looking for something in particular it would be rather difficult. Some of the buttons don't look like buttons, so that can be confusing.
The web site has a really nice style, that matches the show and the movie. The controls look similar to those of the ship. Also, the flash animations all look really good.

2. www.jacksonpollock.org

This web site is very simple, it is a virtual canvas. It makes it very easy to create works of art that are similar to Pollock's. Even though this web site is fun to visit, it has no links, and shows no information. If you didn't know who Jackson Pollock was, it would be pretty pointless and stupid.

3. www.mystrevelation.com/us

Myst revelation is a metaphorical realm you can travel through and discover interesting objects along the way. The color scheme is highly coordinated, and helps work with the theme of the web site. It is fairly easy to navigate, but if you do have trouble there is a help mode to guide you. It may take some time to get used to the navigation if you haven't played the game, but once you figure it out, it is relatively simple.

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